5 September 2014

the one with... some news

the one... with a moment by Second Life of a Blue House

UPDATE: Yes I'm back writing about renovating my cottage but I'm staying right here on SLOABH.  Why change what ain't broke.  I do love it here.  Lisa xo

I've really missed the blog so I'm coming back.

If you have been following me on Instagram you know that I never stopped working on the cottage - I just stopped writing about it.

I'm happy to say that I'm coming back!

The only change is I've decided to move the blog over to www.lisadaviesdesign.com and keep everything in one place.

I'll be back with updates on the never ending to-do list soon.

Cheers for now
Lisa xo

New website: www.lisadaviesdesign.com


  1. That's so exciting! I love all the SE Qld bloggers, and almost everyone has gone quiet (including me!-living life and painting are about all we are up to). Looking forward to some more updates! x

    1. Hey there Ness. Yep I've been missing the blog lately so I'm back tomorrow with a new post on the backyard renovations. The renos haven't stopped - just me writing about them have. Lisa xo


I love to read comments, it puts a smile on my face.

I don't like spam (who does) so I do moderate comments before they go up on the website.

Thank you.
Lisa xo


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