9 October 2012

the one... with plans for the backyard

I did another plan on the train ride into work recently.  I really need a book!

Now that the builders have finished it's a perfect time to start thinking about the backyard and to get started before the Queensland Summer is in full swing.

Just as I did with the front yard, this photo was taken with my iphone so I apologise for the poor quality but hopefully you can work out my scribble.

To help you understand:
  • Remove grass from up the centre of the driveway and replace with pebbles, no more mowing!
  • Plant shade trees down the left side of the drive to block the West sun - it's a killer in Summer.
  • Extend the grass area for little Charlie.
  • Take the garden bed on the far right down the entire side.
  • Plant a small garden along the back of deck, just small grass like plants.
  • Plant a small garden under the verandah stairs.
  • Install solar sensor lights along the verandah.
  • Create an intimate patio beside the garage with lots of plants.
  • Remove the cement going from the driveway to the patio (basically the slab of concrete beside.

I've been collecting lots of images with ideas...


Now to make a list of the supplies I will need and work up the budget.


  1. still no coloured pencils.Ideas look good...M

    1. Ha! I didn't take them on the train with me. Lisa xo


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Lisa xo


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