22 July 2013

the one... with the lounge room


I recently found a picture of a lounge room layout that I loved.  I actually made a little noise when I saw it which can only mean.... Lisa must have it!

I've been searching for similar bookcases with not much luck.

So on to plan B.

What about this look from Ikea minus the glass cupboards.


The plus would mean more storage which I is always on my list.  I don't think I want the shelves across the top - I wouldn't be able to reach and it would mean more to dust.


I've priced the 3 pieces needed and I will need 2 x Billys at $169 each and 1 x Benno for $159.  That brings it to $497 - I think I will add some extra trims to Billy to jazz it up a little and not forgetting the electrician to put the TV on the wall.

The lounge room is soooo close to being finished. 

Lisa xo

17 July 2013

the one... with a trip to versaille

Versaille was a personal favourite for me.  I spent a full day there and even though I was completely exhausted by the end of the day - and you can see it in my face - I didn't want to leave.

Lisa xo

15 July 2013

the one... with a little shelving project

I've had a project sitting there to be finished for a couple of months now and I'm happy to say that it's finished!

The project was to install a picture rail from Ikea above my bed.

The tricky little part was to cut out a piece of the moulding that runs floor to ceiling but with a little bit of patience and slowly cutting with the saw, the gap appeared.  From there it was straight forward.

I'm still tweeking the frames which I think will an ongoing thing.

I have 2 more smaller rails to put up in the lounge room so I'll be back soon with photos of them.

Lisa xo

12 July 2013

the one... with a winter warmer

I don't know about you but I don't deal with Winter very well.

I know this will sound strange coming from someone who lives in Queensland but I can tell you it does get cold and living near the water it gets pretty windy.

BUT what I do love about Winter is the chance to get out my boots and the flannelette sheets.  I love my trusty white set but I needed another set to alternate with.

I popped into Big W recently and picked up this set and for $34 (double) what a bargain!!

Nighty night.

Lisa xo

10 July 2013

the one... with some holiday pics

OK I promised some photos from my trip.

I'll start with the first part... Paris.

Lisa xo


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