The final decision I need to make on the new kitchen is the splashback.
I was originally thinking of having the glass splashback but when I saw the price I fell off my chair!
Option 2 has be tacking a diy project for the first time - tiling.
I have never tiled before. Sure I've re-grouted and re-selaed in the bathroom but I didn't do the originally tiling.
I'm actually excited to tackle this job myself and have been doing a bit of research and watching a few diy videos on Youtube.
I'm at the stage of tossing up between white (safe, simple) or grey to pick up the fleck in the benchtop.
Until I make the final decision I have one of each tile sitting behind the stove so I can see them in different lights.
I can tell you that I am leaning towards the grey at the stage.
Lisa xo