31 July 2012

the one... with the ever growing list

Oh my goodness... have you been over to my to-do list lately?

Wow it just keeps growing and growing....


30 July 2012

the one... with some colour

I really like this idea.

I've added it to my craft to-do list.

Lisa xo

27 July 2012

the one... with lovelies on etsy

I'm continuing my purple theme with Etsy this week after my bedroom mood board.

Have a wonderful weekend.

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26 July 2012

the one... with the new stairs

The new front stairs are complete!.

This is what I had in the morning.

Here is how they looked in the afternoon (actually I had to wait until the next morning to take the photo but I can tell you they looked just as good in the dark).

What a difference.

25 July 2012

the one... with the new front light

I finally have a light on the front porch, no more tripping up the front stairs.

Actually, I have always had a sensor light there but it hasn't been working properly since I moved back in and it was look well passed its used by date with all that rust (I guess that's the salt air).

I shared with you a few lights that were on my short list but guess what... I bought something completely different.

I did buy a light similar to the original short list but all week I kept second guessing my decision and I figured that if I'm still thinking about it the day before the electrician is coming that I have the wrong light!

So with the electrician booked for 10am on Saturday morning I headed out early that same morning to visit a couple of stores.  The first one had what I wanted but not in the colour I needed.  They could order it in for me but I wouldn't have it that day, so on to the next place...

The next store wasn't even open yet so I had to wait in the carpark for 10minutes.  As soon as the sign was switched over to OPEN I was walking through the door.  I headed straight to the back of the store with the sensor lights and there on the wall was the one I wanted and yes they had 1 left!

To top that... they had 30% off.  I saved $30 on the light and got the one I wanted.

I think this style and colour goes better with the style of the cottage and will go well with the new colour.

This photo was taken in the first shop but it's the same light and I got a better price that what you see there
What do you think?

24 July 2012

the one... with ideas for the bedroom

There has been lots of researching at my end lately as I start to think about decorating the rooms.

The very first room to get a mood board is my bedroom.

You can read all about it over here.

23 July 2012

the one... with the clean up

I spent a Saturday recently cleaning out the garage.  Exciting I know!

This is what I started with...

See there was no way I was going to get my car in there...

I can't believe how much stuff one person can accumulate.  All I can say is thank goodness it's only a single garage.

It took a full day to pull most things out and organise into stuff to go back in the garage (like my brand new edger you can see lying on the floor), stuff to go in the rubbish bin (like the broken fan) and stuff to go to the local op-shop (books and clothes).

I'm happy to say this was the rubbish bin towards the end of the day and as you can see the bin was overflowing which is always a good sign.

Oh there was another pile I forgot to mention, the freebie pile.  I placed a few things like some old window fly screens which were in the house when I bought it and they have had them sitting in the garage ever since.  I placed these out by the front fence for people to take and I'm happy to say they have gone to a new home.

It is looking much better as you can see here but there is still a bit of sorting to do and I need to visit Bunnings (yippee) for some more shelving units to get things up off the floor but I'm pretty happy with it so far.

The goal is to get the car back inside AND IT WILL HAPPEN!

20 July 2012

the one... with lovelies on etsy

The kitchen has been on my mind lately so I head over the Etsy to have a look around and I found these lovelies.



19 July 2012

the one... with the new front stairs

I am so excited, the tradie has been booked to build the new front stairs.

As you can see from the photos below, the original stairs are the old school type with metal handrail and concrete steps which are all starting to crumble from old age.

The new stairs will be made from timber with a breadloaf handrail.

I can't wait til they are built and I'm really looking forward to painting them to match the new house colours (more on that big job soon).

I'll be back with the after photos.

18 July 2012

the one... with the good kind of stats

Yeah sure I hear you say but I promise they are good stats, well they are to me.

I started this blog in May and in such a short period of time I'm watching the pageviews increase each day with such excitement.

Another interesting thing is to see where people are who have been reading it. They are from all over the world, really!  

You have to see the world map...

Check this out:
The green is where people are (from blogger )
Look where they are from Russia, USA, Singapore, PNG, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, UK, Germany and of course Australia, wow!

I'm so very thankful and I'm so excited to see something I love grow.

If you haven't subscribed yet, now is a good time and it's free so why wouldn't you!  Subscribe via RSS  You can also find me on Facebook | Pinterest

Now you will never miss a post. 

17 July 2012

the one... with a trip to the vet

After a recent trip to visit family who live on acreage I did the usual tick check on Charlie when we got home and I'm happy to say I didn't find anything.

It was a couple of days later during a rumbling session I felt something and on closer inspection I found a tick.

Now it was dead when I found it but it was still in him so I grabbed the tweezers and pulled it out.  It so small, really it was the size of a pin head.  I didn't realise they were that small.

All seemed good until a couple of days later when I noticed a lump had formed where the tick was so I called the vet and made an appointment.

He doesn't mind going to the vet, why wouldn't he, he always gets treats and belly rubs.
The look says it all 'enough with the camera'
The vet withdrew blood from the lump and then left the room to run a test....  waiting.... waiting...  She returns.

She found something.

She found some strange curved little things in the sample she took.  She didn't know what they were (great!) but assumed the tick had left a little bug in Charlie when it died.

It's funny, when she returned I was expecting her to say 'all clear' and it was a little strange when it wasn't.

Now it isn't serious.  Charlie is perfectly fine but we have him on antibiotics, half a tablet each morning and night for a couple of weeks and all should be good.

I've since been to the pet shop and picked up a tick collar ready for the next trip out to the acreage and a few extra treats.

16 July 2012

the one... with new house photos

I have been doing the rounds at the cottage taking lots of 'before' photos.  Pop over to the House Tour page to check them all out.

I'm getting them all now before the renovations begin.

14 July 2012

the one... with the mattress

It's gone!!

After a false start with a so-called interested party who never showed up... I'm happy to say the old double mattress has gone to a new home.

It was old but it was in really good condition.

I put it up on Gumtree (just like the wardrobes) but this time it was for FREE!  I just wanted it gone and honestly I wouldn't have felt right taking money for it.

Lisa xo

13 July 2012

the one... with lovelies on etsy

I'm on the look out for artwork for my new walls and I found these over on Etsy and they are all artists from Australia.

Lona de Anna


12 July 2012

the one... with the light search

The electrician is booked to do a few small jobs around the house including replacing the front porch sensor light.

I have doing a bit of online research before I hit the shops and have found my top 3 contenders:
$49.98 from Masters

$54.98 from Masters
$69.95 from Beacon Lighting
Now to decide which one...  What do you think?

11 July 2012

the one... with the banana bread

I have made 2 banana breads this week.

The first one was all gone within 3 days and it wasn't just me!!

I took the first loaf to work and went home with an empty Tupperware container.  Always a good sign.

I still have a couple of bananas in the fruit bowl and I hate to see fruit go to waste (and it does in my place) so I think I'll make another and freeze this one (if it makes it to the freezer).

This time I added a handful of chopped almonds for a bit of crunch.

How yummy does this look?

Recipe Source

10 July 2012

the one... the wardrobes are gone

I have sold the wardrobes!

I bought 2 timber wardrobes not long after I moved back in because as you know old Queensland homes don't have built-in wardrobes.

When I first moved back into the cottage I was using wire clothes racks which were really starting to sink from the weight of clothes so I had to do something and soon.

I searched Ebay for a few weeks and finally found 2 wardrobes that would do the job and fit the space.  Unfortunately, when I finally got them home they were a little bigger than was described and they didn't fit the wall they were meant for.  I ended up putting them on another wall but they really did crowd the room, taking up a lot of space and with them being stained a really dark brown they seem to close the walls in.

I put them up on Gumtree a little while back and they were getting views and I had a few emails but nothing serious.  That was until last week.  I got an email from a lady who was interested in buying both robes, great!

I'll admit I was a little hesitant to get excited because I'd received a few emails from scammers so I didn't want to get my hopes up.

But I'm happy to say that after a few messages back and forth they are sold.

The lady was keen to pick them up and I was keen to see them gone!

I spent a Friday night (such fun) emptying them out and removing the stuff that had accumulated on top, cleaning and getting them outside ready for pick up.

It's great to have them gone so I can move forward with the rest of the room makeover.  I feel it's getting closer and I'm soooo excited.

Lisa xo


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